Mixed Metal Metatrons Cube Sacred Geometry Pendant
Our mixed metal Metatron's Cube is a sacred geometry pendant that renders a 3-dimensional shape in two dimensions. Depicting an equilibrium in six directions, our Metatron cube is composed of overlapping circles in silver on one side, and intersecting lines forming complex shapes in bronze on the other. You can use it in either direction on earrings & necklaces.
Sacred geometry is a fascinating world where the spiritual, mathematical, and artistic collide with remarkable effect. Much ancient wisdom gleaned from sacred texts can be found regarding Metatron's mystical cube. The gist is that the archangel, Metatron, uses this sacred form to guard the Tree of Life by overseeing flows of energy. This cube is said to contain every shape that exists in the universe, shapes that are the building blocks of all physical matter, forming everything from the subatomic to the galactic.
Measurements approximately: 23mm x 22mm x 2mm